To Respond to the Voices that have no Voice, To Respond to the Lost that don’t know they are Lost. To bring together those who Desire to be a part of an Initiative that is Determined to Rescue, those who Live in Terror every day and don’t Know why!
To give hope to those who have Stopped Dreaming, Stopped Hoping, and have Stopped looking for Peace, because their Life is Literally a nightmare.
By making all aware in a call to Action that looks to not only Identify those who are Struggling Mentally , But to work with the Mental Health Programs, As well as the Medical Community to attack the problem and Proactively reduce the Likelihood of Mental Health occurrence and the Severity there of.
*DISCLAIMER:We are not medical professionals and are in no way acting as such. THIS IS INFORMATIONAL CONTENT ONLY. IF YOU ARE IN A LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY CALL 911. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE ARE DEALING WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES or If you are in crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential.*
We are in a time where we, as a society, need to address one of our most impactful issues today. This issue does not discriminate. It does not care what color you are, how much money you have, or even who you are related to. The issue is mental health. This is a call to action because it will affect you if it has not affected you yet!
We need to confront this issue head-on by offering a safe and welcoming place for those who are affected to go - an understanding ear, a compassionate heart, and a sincere desire to help make a difference. Let’s be clear; everyone has someone in their immediate circle fighting mental illness. Let us come together. Let us make a difference for those who are in need.
Let us make a difference for the future of our society. Let us make a difference, one person at a time, by “Empowering Lives and Making a Difference.”
Dr. Arthur Malone Jr.
Mental health, as defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada,[6] is an individual’s capacity to feel, think, and act in ways to achieve a better quality of life while respecting the personal, social, and cultural boundaries.[7] Impairment of any of these is a risk factor for mental disorders,[8] which are components of mental health.[7] Mental disorders are defined as the health conditions that affect and alters cognitive functioning, emotional responses, and behavior associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.[9][10] The ICD-11 is the global standard used to diagnose, treat, research, and report various mental disorders.[11][12] In the United States, the DSM-5 is used as the classification system of mental disorders.[13]
Mental health is associated with a number of lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, drug abuse, social connections and interactions.[13][14] Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurse practitioners, or family physicians can help manage mental illness with treatments such as therapy, counseling or medication.[15].
Good mental health is both a state of mind and a balanced lifestyle. Part of it is developing a rational, positive, and strong mindset. Having sources of enjoyment and a manageable level of stress facilitates and leads to good mental health. It’s important to have a lifestyle that helps maintain this state of mind. Exercise, nutrition, sleep, spirituality, and in some cases being able to talk to a professional that understands your experiences can be the key to a healthy, and good life. It is so important to be able to reach for help when some experiences or thoughts get in your way. A different perspective can help you put certain things in their rightful place. A healthy mind will put you on the path to a healthy body or the other way around.
Pharmacotherapy is a therapy that uses pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacotherapy is used in the treatment of mental illness through the use of antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and the use of elements such as lithium. It can only be prescribed by a medical professional trained in the field of Psychiatry.
Physical Activity
For some people, physical exercise can improve mental as well as physical health. Playing sports, walking, cycling, or doing any form of physical activity trigger the production of various hormones, sometimes including endorphins, which can elevate a person's mood.[91]
Studies have shown that in some cases, physical activity can have the same impact as antidepressants when treating depression and anxiety.[92]
Moreover, cessation of physical exercise may have adverse effects on some mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. This could lead to many different negative outcomes such as obesity, skewed body image, lower levels of certain hormones, and many more health risks associated with mental illnesses.[93]
Activity Therapies
Activity therapies also called recreation therapy and occupational therapy, promote healing through active engagement. An example of occupational therapy would be promoting an activity that improves daily life, such as self-care or improving hobbies.[94] Similarly, recreational therapy focuses on movement, such as walking, yoga, or riding a bike.[95]
Each of these therapies have proven to improve mental health and have resulted in healthier, happier individuals. In recent years, for example, coloring has been recognized as an activity that has been proven to significantly lower the levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety in many studies.[96]
Expressive Therapies
Expressive therapies or creative arts therapies are a form of psychotherapy that involves the arts or art-making. These therapies include art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy, dance therapy, and poetry therapy. It has been proven that music therapy is an effective way of helping people who suffer from a mental health disorder.[97] Drama therapy is approved by NICE for the treatment of psychosis.[98]
Psychotherapy is the general term for the scientific based treatment of mental health issues based on modern medicine. It includes a number of schools, such as gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychedelic therapy, transpersonal psychology/psychotherapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Group therapy involves any type of therapy that takes place in a setting involving multiple people. It can include psychodynamic groups, expressive therapy groups, support groups (including the Twelve-step program), problem-solving and psychoeducation groups.
According to Neff, self-compassion consists of three main positive components and their negative counterparts: Self-Kindness versus Self-Judgement, Common Humanity versus Isolation and Mindfulness versus Over-Identification.[99]Furthermore, there is evidence from a study by Shin & Lin suggesting specific components of self-compassion can predict specific dimensions of positive mental health (emotional, social, and psychological well-being).[100]
Social-emotional learning
Further information: Social emotional development § Social emotional learning & development in schools
The Collaborative for academic, social, emotional learning (CASEL) addresses five broad and interrelated areas of competence and highlights examples for each: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills,and responsible decision-making.[101] A meta-analysis was done by Alexendru Boncu, Iuliana Costeau, & Mihaela Minulescu (2017) looking at social-emotional learning (SEL) studies and the effects on emotional and behavior outcomes. They found a small but significant effect size (across the studies looked into) for externalized problems and social-emotional skills.[102]
Main articles: Meditation and Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
A woman towards the right and a man towards the left. Both sitting cross legged with their eyes closed. Their hands resting on their knees with their palms facing up.
The practice of mindfulness meditation has several mental health benefits, such as bringing about reductions in depression, anxiety and stress.[103][104][105][106] Mindfulness meditation may also be effective in treating substance use disorders.[107][108] Further, mindfulness meditation appears to bring about favorable structural changes in the brain.[109][110][111]
The Heartfulness meditation program has proven to show significant improvements in the state of mind of health-care professionals.[112] A study posted on the US National Library of Medicine showed that these professionals of varied stress levels were able to improve their conditions after this meditation program was conducted. They benefited in aspects of burnouts and emotional wellness.
People with anxiety disorders participated in a stress-reduction program conducted by researchers from the Mental Health Service Line at the W.G. Hefner Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salisbury, North Carolina. The participants practiced mindfulness meditation. After the study was over, it was concluded that the "mindfulness meditation training program can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and panic and can help maintain these reductions in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or panic disorder with agoraphobia."[113]
Mental Fitness
Mental fitness is a mental health movement that encourages people to intentionally regulate and maintain their emotional wellbeing through friendship, regular human contact, and activities that include meditation, calming exercises, aerobic exercise, mindfulness, having a routine and maintaining adequate sleep. Mental fitness is intended to build resilience against every-day mental health challenges to prevent an escalation of anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation, and help them cope with the escalation of those feelings if they occur.[114]
Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual counsellors meet with people in need to offer comfort and support and to help them gain a better understanding of their issues and develop a problem-solving relation with spirituality. These types of counselors deliver care based on spiritual, psychological and theological principles.[115]
Suicide is defined as death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior.
According to the National health institute of Mental Health 47,500 lives have been taken due to suicide in the United States.
*DISCLAIMER:We are not medical professionals and are in no way acting as such. THIS IS INFORMATIONAL CONTENT ONLY. IF YOU ARE IN A LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY CALL 911. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE ARE DEALING WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES or If you are in crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential.*
To find out more about mental health issues related to suicide please click the link below.
"I’ve always struggled with mental health and chose not to get professional help because I thought I would be judged. Getting professional help from a therapist was one of the best things I ever did for myself! It helped me to realize everyone goes through problems of their own! Luckily we have God, and people who care about our wellbeing to help us when we are feeling weak, sad, or depressed dealing with family issues, health life itself and stress.My brother suffers from mental health and currently in rehab and if I can get help for myself To mentally be stronger I know that I can be more understanding a greater sister that he needs. Mental health is real. People suffer from depression relying on themselves to deal and heal on their own. Which usually can make things worse. Being a Christian and having a Christian based therapist helped me graciously because I knew I could hear Gods voice as he uses other people for his glory! God sends us doctors , nurses, because he cares for us. The first step of being healed is willing to accept that you need the help and you don’t have to make decisions on your own. There are professional people who care to help and guide you through your life journey! You are not alone”!
"As a Christian I've seen firsthand we as believers have done a poor job identifying and differentiating spiritual and religious antics from mental health issues. For example, a lot of times calling depression a devil would have you looking for help in the wrong places. Like praying it away as opposed to dealing with real the life emotional injury trying to get healed. That would be like if you were driving your car and your car is emitting small amounts of toxic exhaust fumes inside of your drivers area causing you to cough, eyes water and feel a little dizzy, instead of taking it to an auto shop for a mechanic to fix it, we'd drive straight up to a drugstore to buy some cough syrup. But, I think we're about to turn the corner and get real and get healed. "
"We owe it to ourselves to remember that our mental health and well-being is just as important as our physical health. The more we talk about it, the better. As we continue to discuss and learn more about mental health, those having issues become more open to seeking help.”
“I believe mental health is a lot of different things being placed under one category for example I went through some of my roughest times when I lost my job I was running through many feelings and emotions until it came to a point I was deeply depressed so many things can play into mental health something can happen to your body physically and that can bother you mentally and vice versa.”
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